Thursday, April 3, 2008

Grandparents Day - part 1

I just attended Grandparents Day on my son's school. So many stories to share, just not having a chance to write it now.
But there was a lovely moment when the School Principal read this hearty poem -by Libby Haythorn- about Grandmothers, that some grandparents cannot help themselves not to laughing -or smile at least-.
I'd love to share this poem with you.



Grandmothers then seemed larger with their ample floral bosoms and swathes of comforting corsetry.
They made scones and jokes,
lived in large erratic houses,
knew wars and depressions first hand,
had relatives, lots of them,
were free with advice, divinations,
wore hats and pusplish lipstick, pandered after youth.
Had stories, lots of stories all of them their own, and all of them more than likely true.

Grandmothers now have figures,
apartments nearby,
separate holidays and lives of their own.
They hanker after youth,
have facelifts sometimes,
contemporary anxieties and very few grandchildren.
Their stories have changed and seem, some of them less likely to be true.


I started to imagining, what it will be like when our time comes, become grandmother.
Will grandmothers on our era wear ipod or carrying i-mac everywhere, connecting to internet 24/7 and live on our own?

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