Saturday, August 28, 2010

Organic vegetables for a good cause

We -Strawberry Patch- joined garage sale & mini bazaar held by JICC last week, and I couldn't be happier to see this vendor situated next to our table. Yum Indonesia -or Yayasan Usaha Mulia- with their vegetables stall. Not only they sell the usual -apologize for saying it, but it's kind of one very common items sell by yayasan or charity project in Indonesia lately- bags from recycle soap-packaging; but also organic vegetables straight from their organic farm in Cipanas -yes, I know I should make sure about the certificate of this organic things before I write about it; but I just too happy to see good vegetables on fraction prices, compare to supermarket.

Of course it's hard for me for not spending any cent on their veggies -I bought myself a bag of sweet potato; the only downside with this sweet potatoes are they packed using plastic bag; it will be great though if they could pack it with brown bag instead-.

The greatest thing draw my attention to them was: how they display their veggies. As Vanessa -one of the YUM staff- mentioned; the idea is more like a market stall in French countryside. Yes, gorgeous, very beautiful indeed. I LOVE it! -Sorry for heard me screaming- but I really LOVE their display.

So, I took the liberty to share some photos for their gorgeous display here...enjoy...
(And please shop some veggies with them as they created their organic farm for a good cause...)

1 comment:

Vanessa Reksodipoetro said...

You're right, brown bags would be a great idea! Do you know where we can get some brown bags for our next bazaar?


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