Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Awe & the Aero plane

We successfully dragged Awe, friend of ours, to tell his story and experienced in front of children on my son Preschool. He is a pilot, for Indonesia Air Force, which specialized in Cargo Aircraft such as the Hercules. More a decade of experienced surely not enough for him to conquering his nervous, facing his today’s audience. I know myself, that children can asking anything –literally anything- that pop up on their mind.

I was thinking at first, aero plane is such a male – or boy- world. At least, boys play it. Today, I became a witness of many aero plane’s enthusiastic girls. And flood of question; as I expected.

The best part was when Awe told the children, that his Hercules can carry an army-tank, cars or even helicopter. I can see these children jaw dropping –even the teachers too- , tried to imagine the aero plane looks alike. And another hundred question pop-ups about this matter.

It is a shame; Awe can’t bring some of Hercules miniature or poster along. My son brought some of his aero planes collection which unfortunately it’s commercial aero plane. At least there are some to show.

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